Private Utility Locates

Sonic provides dependable and professional underground utility locating services through experience and proven technology for both public and private sector clients.The proper marking of underground utilities to digging prevents incidents which no one would like to incur. Sonic is here to provide you peace of mind.

We focus on the protection of underground facilities and reducing risks.Making assumptions of where utilities run is a big risk.Why risk it when you can work at ease? All our mark-outs are complete, accurate, and understandable. Our customers’ underground facilities are too important, both from a safety and business standpoint, to take any chances.

For all drilling projects, the Ontario One Call system MUST still be contacted and a locate request submitted. Ontario One Call can be reached at


Conquest 100 reduces risk by detecting rebar, post-tension cables, metallic and non-metallic conduits as well as current-carrying wires embedded in concrete.


  • Locate rebar, post-tension cables, metallic and non-metallic conduits embedded in concrete.
  • Create detailed scans of concrete floors, decks, columns, walls and ceilings to detect embedded objects before cutting or coring. Detect voids beneath slab-on-grade.
  • Locate and map current carrying wires using Power Cable Detector (PCD) technology.